the shepherd's cupboard
Howard’s pantry has been recognized as an important outreach ministry that started in the former St. George's Church in West Saint John and the vestry at Good Shepherd has voted to carry on the legacy. On June 27, 2021 it was renamed "The Shepherd's Cupboard". A space within the church has been designated for the cupboard which was ready in July 2021. Those in need can contact our church office at 635-8145. This ministry is not to replace the use of the Food Bank but to aid those in need who have experienced a particularly hard time. We are looking for the following items to stock the pantry. Donations can be dropped off at the church – please label them as "The Shepherd's Cupboard" as we do not want to mix them up with the donations for the West Side Food Bank.
Canned Soup (Chicken Noodle, Chilli, Tomato, etc.)
Canned Milk
Canned Vegetables (peas, corn, tomatoes, etc.)
Canned Fruit
Apple Sauce (fruit puree)
Pasta Sauce
Pasta (spaghetti, macaroni, etc.)
Mr. Noodles
Kraft Dinner
Breakfast Cereal
School Snacks (puddings, fruit roll ups etc.)
Peanut Butter
Juice Boxes
Toilet Paper
Sanitary Napkins
Thank you!